Benin is a beautiful country with much to offer the modern real estate buyer: spacious beaches, rich forests, and many revered scenic routes between the main cities. Among one of the common questions we are asked at is "Which cites are the best to live in?". We have compiled a list of our top 3 cities, and we hope that one day you will be able to see these one of a kind locales.
Porto Novo is the official capital of the country of Benin and reports a population of a little under 300,000. Due to the discovery of oil off the shores of Porto Novo in the mid 1990's, the city has grown to become an economic and social center for the country. In addition to exporting oil and cotton, Porto Novo is also home to Benin's International Bank.
Cotonou is the largest fastest growing city in Benin and boasts a population of almost 800,000, although many estimates put the population over 1 million. The city hosts an international airport and a sports stadium as well. Although Porto Novo is the political capital, Cotonou is regarded as the economic capital, containing almost two thirds of Benin's industries and being the chief importer and exporter of goods.
While Porto Novo and Cotonou are the two largest cities and are both located along the shore of the Atlantic, Parakou is the third largest city and is located in central Benin. Due to its central location within the country and ease of access from surrounding nations, Parakou is considered to be the most diverse city in Benin.